Tuesday, August 01, 2017

11th Annual Canadian Book Challenge - August Roundup

What Canadian books did you read and review in August?

1. Eric (The Tattooed Woman)  20. Sarah (Roughneck)  39. raidergirl3 (The Dorito Effect)  
2. Sarah (Us Conductors)  21. Eric (Seth's Dominion)  40. raidergirl3(Airborn)  
3. Brian Busby (Where Is Jenny Now?)  22. Naomi (The Widow's Fire)  41. raidergirl3(2 Susanna Moodie books)  
4. Wendy (I'm Thinking of Ending Things)  23. Melwyk (After Many Years)  42. Sherrie(Christ Hadfield)  
5. Kristilyn (Just Like Family)  24. Teena ("Truth and Honour" about Dennis Oland)  43. John (Bad Endings)  
6. Kristilyn (Missing)  25. Eric (Cloud Physics)  44. Sarah (Cadillac Couches)  
7. (John) Jeff Lemire's Descender V.1 Tin Stars  26. Wendy (The Line Painter)  45. John (Injun)  
8. Luanne (Heart of the City)  27. Lisa (The Only Child)  46. Heather (Rebel)  
9. Teena (The New Farm - Brent Preston)  28. Teena ("I Hear She's a Real Bitch" by Jen Agg)  47. Sherrie(Exit, Pursued by a Bear)  
10. Shonna (The Twenty-Three)  29. Shonna (Winter Child)  48. Red 5 (150 Years of Stats Canada!)  
11. Shonna (Two Times a Traitor)  30. Sherrie(The Runaway Midwife)  49. Teena (Skinheads, Fur Traders, and DJs)  
12. Shonna (Cottage Cheese Thighs)  31. Red 5 (The Right to be Cold  50. Sarah (D4VE)  
13. Shonna (The Last Wave)  32. Sarah (Volkswagen Blues)  51. Eric (Homer in Flight)  
14. Crystal (Red Winter Trilogy)  33. Wendy (Cataract City)  52. Shonna Froebel  
15. Shonna (Hunting Houses)  34. Teena (150 Fascinating Facts about Canadian Women)  53. Shonna (More Than a Lover)  
16. Shonna (The Lost Sisterhood)  35. John (Uqalurait)  54. Marie (After All)  
17. Shonna (Malagash)  36. Shonna (Waking Gods)  55. Eric (Wimbledon Green/GNBCC)  
18. Shonna (Road Signs That Say West)  37. Luanne (Sleeping in the Ground)  
19. Shonna (Firing Lines)  38. Red 5 (The Illegal)  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
1. Click on the icon above
2. Add a link to your review. (Please link to your specific review, not an entire webpage.)
3. Add your name and in parentheses the title of the book, such as Melwyk (Anne of Green Gables) 4. In the comment section below, tell me your grand total so far. (ex. "This brings me up to 1/13")
5. In the comment section below, note whether you've read a book which meets the monthly
    challenge set via email for participants.

 And in prize news, congratulations to Heather at Books & Quilts for winning the amazing 13 book prize pack offered as a starting gate incentive by Simon & Schuster Canada! We hope to see some of those titles reviewed in this year's challenge!


  1. Engel's The Tattooed Woman makes 2/13.

  2. I'm up to 4/13. I'm in the middle of a move and it's making me a grumpy reader.

  3. This brings me to just 2/13, I'm afraid. It's been a busy summer.

  4. I'm Thinking of Ending Things is 1/13. thanks for the book suggestion. Wendy

  5. Now at 2/13 comics and with Yukon & Ontario off my list.

  6. Hi Melanie, and all,

    I read and reviewed 13 books last month. I will post all of my links this coming week.

    My goal this year is 13 books a month. I have lessened my reading load for this year a bit. I have a lot of other things on the table including starting another University Degree.

    Take good care all, and happy reading!
    Irene Roth

  7. I am counting this as 2/13, even though it was three books so technically it could be 4/13. I like to count series as 1, though, and I did one joint review. (The 2nd and 3rd books were both published in 2017.)

  8. Roughneck (2017) brings me up to 5/13.

  9. Just finished #9 ~ "Truth and Honour: The Death of Richard Oland and the Trial of Dennis Oland" by Greg Marquis ... http://www.teenaintoronto.com/2017/08/book-truth-and-honour-death-of-richard.html

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Cloud Physics by Karen Enns was published in 2017. It makes 4/13 for me.

  12. The Line Painter was number #2/13 for me. I really enjoyed and thankful to be introduced to a great Canadian writer.

  13. The Only Child makes 3/13 for me and was published in 2017.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Just finished #10 ... "I Hear She's a Real Bitch" by Jen Agg

  16. Hi,
    I've added my first review for this challenge. This 1 of 13 books. Thanks for adding me to challenge. Have a great day!

  17. I've read 1 of 13 for the Challenge.

  18. I'm at 6/13 with Volkswagen Blues.

  19. Cataract City was number 3 for me.

  20. Just finished #11 ... "150 Fascinating Facts About Canadian Women" by Margie Wolfe

  21. 2/13 comics; Yukon, Nunavut, and Ontario off my provinces/territories 13

  22. Sleeping in the Ground brings me to 2/13

  23. read and reviewed 4/13
    Airborn by Kenneth Oppel
    The Dorito Effect by Mark Schatzkel
    Roughting It in the Bush (graphic novel) by Carol Shields
    Sisters in Two Worlds by Michael Peterman

  24. Hi,
    Posted a couple more books, this is 3 of 13 for me.
    Have a great day!

  25. 2/13 comics; YK, NU, ON, and BC off my provinces/territories 13

  26. 2/13 comics; YK, NU, ON, and BC off my provinces/territories 13 (6 in total)

  27. 5/13 Rebel by R. J. Anderson

    I received the wonderful prize pack earlier in the month from Simon and Schuster and am looking forward to enjoying them.

  28. Just finished #12 ... "Skinheads, Fur Traders, and DJs: An Adventure Through the 1970s" by Kim Clarke Champniss

  29. Homer in Flight makes 5/13.

  30. I'm at 1/3 and After All just came out last month so it fits for this month's challenge! :-)

  31. I'm Thinking of Ending Things brings me to 12/13.


Thanks for stopping by ~ I always enjoy hearing your comments so please feel free to leave some!