Monday, September 10, 2012

BBAW 2012

I've decided to join in with Book Bloggers Appreciation Week (BBAW) at the last minute this year! I've been so delinquent with blogging the last few months that I'll jump right back in this way ;)

This is the first day, and today's topic is to"Share with your readers some of the blogs you enjoy reading daily and why".

Since there are sooooo many blogs that I love to read -- many on the sidebar -- I thought I'd narrow it down by highlighting some of my fellow Canadians today. These are blogs that I love for various reasons: the breadth of their reading, their sense of humour, the gorgeous photos they post, and the sharing of new Canadian books!

I'm going to make a simple list so that I can quickly post a few blogs to share with everyone. They are all worth checking out, for all the reasons above :)

Matilda Magtree

Buried in Print

Pickle Me This

Magnificent Octopus

Book Puddle

Book Mine Set (home of the wide-ranging Canadian Book Challenge!)

and of course, I can't neglect my dear husband's literary jottings & musings at Chumley and Pepys on Books!


  1. I love all the photography on Matilda Magtree!

  2. redhead - isn't she wonderful!

  3. Thank you so much for including me on this list. I feel truly honoured.
    Your fellow [Ukrainian] Canadian friend...
    -- Ciprianski

  4. I've heard only of Pickle Me This. I need to "check out" some of the other Canadian blogs you've mentioned here. :)

  5. Ciprianski, hahaha

    Suko - great, I hope you'll make a few new and exciting discoveries! :)

  6. Thanks so much for the shout-out and for adding to my own feeds in the process; it looks like you've added a lot to your blogroll since I last looked, too...I should take a gander there as well.

  7. BIP - you have so much to read on your blog that I would be remiss if I didn't alert everyone to the great content!


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