Sunday, August 25, 2024

Favourite Short Stories from 10 Years of #WIT Month

2024 marks 10 years of WIT Month! I've been participating since its second year, so it's nine active years for me. To celebrate a full decade of promoting women in translation, I thought I would share a few of my own favourites discovered over the past ten years. 

Today's favourites are some short stories -- there are not as many titles here as previous weeks, since I don't tend to read as many story collections as novels. But these were some collections that I found memorable -- some funny, some haunting, some with great writing or characters or both!

Your Ad Could Go Here / Oksana Zabuzhko
trans. from the Ukrainian by Nina Murray, Halyna Hryn,
Askold Melnyczuk, Marco Carynnyk, & Marta Horban

Where the Wild Ladies Are / Aoko Matsuda
trans. from the Japanese by Polly Barton

The Lonesome Bodybuilder / Yukiko Motoya
trans. from the Japanese by Asa Yoneda

Variations on the Body / Maria Ospina
trans. from the Spanish by Heather Cleary

The First Prehistoric Serial Killer / Teresa Solana
trans. from the Catalan by Peter Bush

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