Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy Christmas Eve Day!

I love Christmas, and Christmas Eve is the perfect day: still some anticipation of joys to come, but not too much longer to wait for them! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day and taking time to enjoy the season. I thought I'd share a few little Christmas quotes from some of my favourite books in celebration.

"Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents."
~Louisa May Alcott, Little Women

“Through the windows of many of the houses rosy lights were flickering; and silver tinsel and evergreen wreaths and brilliant little glass globes of silver and wine colour could be seen, and glimpses were caught of Christmas trees, with people decking them by firelight—reminders that this was Christmas Eve.”
~ Booth Tarkington, The Magnificent Ambersons

"Christmas," said Doctor Drinkwater as his red-cheeked face sped smoothly toward Smoky's, "is a kind of day, like no other in the year, that doesn't seem to succeed the days it follows, if you see what I mean." He came close to Smoky in a long, expert circle and slid away... "I mean," Doctor Drinkwater said, reappearing beside him, "that every Christmas seems to follow immediately after the last one; all the months that come between don't figure in. Christmases succeed each other, not the falls they follow." 
~ John Crowley, Little, Big


  1. These are wonderful quotes Mel.
    I wish you a joyous Christmas -- a great time of holiday and fun, and a terrific book-filled 2013.

  2. Lovely quotes! The first one I remember well from my childhood;my three sisters and I would put on a brief show for my mother from Little Women.

    Merry Christmas, Mel!


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