New York: Ballantine, c2010.
355 p.
This book's thematic refrain could be et in Arcadia ego vixi
This is the latest release by Carol Goodman, an author I love. I've read every one of her books thus far - she writes academic-based romantic suspense novels, which to me seem similar in feel to Mary Stewart or Barbara Michaels (both of whom I enjoy).
Arcadia Falls is in the same vein as Goodman's earlier novels: a middle aged woman, Meg Rosenthal, with a teen daughter named Sally, finds a new job teaching at a private school. The Arcadia School is up in the backwoods of New York State, very different from the privileged life they led before Meg's husband died. Meg has been recently widowed and left with little money, so is rather desperate for work. In addition to this, she hasn't taught in years - so when she finds this school willing to hire her, she takes the job. She is going to be teaching folklore in Arcadia, a school which began as an artists collective founded mostly by women for women.
The story is based around the original fairy tales of Vera Beecher and Lily Eberhardt, founders of the school, especially one entitled The Changeling Girl. This tale gives us clues as to the truth of Vera and Lily's relationship, and to Lily's eventual death. The atmosphere is, as always, somehow threatening amidst an apparently idyllic setting. The interplay between teachers, Dean and students is well drawn and mostly believable - but the librarian at the school only shows up in the library, not in any other place like the faculty meetings, the school's festivals, or in any educational context. She is also a rule-bound harpy hopelessly out of touch with the modern world. For obvious reasons, I wasn't too fond of her portrayal. The library itself seems from a past age, all archives and dust motes and silence - no computers, no students or much of anything else. Considering that the rest of the story has modern markers thrown in willy nilly, this seems a bit unlikely.
This was actually one of the major difficulties I had with this particular book. I am not sure why, but throughout the text our main character Meg refers to brand names, to specific stores, and so on: in one particularly jarring example (for me) she tries to remember if she's packed any dresses suitable for the faculty tea. She recalls that she had recently bought a "floral dress from Anthropologie" for her daughter and since she'd lost so much weight in her year of widowhood she could now wear that. Why say "from Anthropologie"? It took me out of the story and made me think of online shopping. Does everyone know what Anthropologie is? Couldn't the dress simply be described as a floaty floral shift? Anyhow, this kind of thing appeared a few times, and it made me think of Meg as one of those moms/teachers who is desperately trying to sound 'with it', more than anything else.
The other element I was disappointed by was the predictability of the plot. Meg just came across things that others had been hunting for for years, and seemed dense at times. Things were telegraphed early on, and the red herrings seemed half hearted. The ending was unnecessarily convoluted as well, with all the ends apparently being gathered up, then the author changing her mind and exposing that solution as untrue in favour of another one. Unfortunately, when the primary suspect is unmasked just past halfway in any book, you know that it has to be someone else after all -- not many books are half denouement. And the romantic interest for our main character was so obvious and mechanical; I didn't feel any tension or much interest in it.
But! I don't mean to sound utterly negative about the book. I suppose I simply had very high expectations as I have loved so many of Goodman's other books. I enjoyed the way she drew the history and locale of the Arcadia School. I also enjoyed the fairy tale elements quite a lot. She has a way with those themes that is really enchanting. In some ways this reminded me of the feel of Byatt's The Children's Book, mostly because of the fairy tales and art colony roots of the school, all in the early part of the century although of course this book was much less complex. It felt as if Goodman added in the modern storyline as a necessity but the historical storyline would have been enough on its own, and it was the strongest part of the book. If you also enjoy the use of fairy tales in this kind of story, try her earlier novel The Seduction of Water. That one I absolutely loved.
What a great review and high praise for this book. Thanks and I hope to read it soon.
ReplyDeleteDarn! I was going to read this one. I love a good boarding school tale. However, there seems to be problems with establishing a continuous tone (modern fairy tale or historical novel) and I just don't have time for that! Thanks for the review.
ReplyDeleteDiane - I did like it; but it just wasn't as good as her previous works.
ReplyDeleteB.K - oh, do read it! The fairy tale overtones are wonderful. But her earlier boarding school novel, The Lake of Dead Languages, is also good (though with a few of the melodramatic elements I didn't enjoy so much in this one as well).
I'm ready for her to move away from the school settings...I'm at the point where her books all have the same feel to them. I think I'm done with her until she writes about something other than academia.
ReplyDeletesoftdrink - you may be right. This book felt like a return to the Lake of Dead Languages setting, and so far that is the one I've liked least. I did enjoy The Sonnet Lover, although many others haven't.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your honest appraisal of this book. I'll probably still read it but I know what I'm in for.
ReplyDeleteOK, seriously, the library sounds dire. Obviously the complete opposite of that one at the prep school in New England that switched to all electronic with a coffee bar. :-) We got a notice of that and article to read on our intranet when I still worked at the library and were talking about it for weeks.
Kay - funny you would mention that...I was thinking of that school while I was writing this! It was shocking, wasn't it? The two extremes...
ReplyDeleteAcademic romantic suspense novels? That sounds good! I think I would enjoy her. But it sounds like this one isn't the best place to start with Goodman.