Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunday Spring Song

It's a clear but cool and windy day here: I finally have a day at home to open the windows and let the breeze clear out the house while I'm doing some chores. It feels cheerful to hear the wind in the pine trees and feel the sunshine even if it is still a wee bit chilly. Spring cleaning weather, indeed! I need to get back to the to-do list, so a short poem for today:

Spring Song

Dance, yellows and whites and reds, --
Lead your gay orgy, leaves, stalks, heads
Astir with the wind in the tulip-beds!

There's sunshine; scarcely a wind at all
Disturbs starved grass and daisies small
On a certain mound by a churchyard wall.

Daisies and grass be my heart's bedfellows
On the mound wind spares and sunshine mellows:
Dance you, whites and reds and yellows!

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