Saturday, August 09, 2008


Has anyone else noticed that the summer is a very difficult time to blog?! I've been travelling and then coming back from travelling -- and catching up on library work and on housework...well, okay, so maybe not the housework.

Plus I'm more in the mood to sit outside and read than sit in the basement and blog! (I really need a laptop). I have a few reviews half written and many more books half read. I will be back to update once again, after another busy weekend of family visits.

Hope you are all having a great summer holiday!


  1. Totally agree! And I have a laptop, but I can't usually sit outside w/ it because the glare makes it too difficult to see anything.

  2. Yes, I have absolutely noticed that Summer is a hard time to blog. Everything you said in the first paragraph - me too. I think things will pick up in the Fall.

  3. Summer is a very difficult time to blog. I can always find a book, or an album, or anything else to give attention to. And then there are those days when the blogging urge comes in spurts and I want to overflow the darn thing.

  4. On my general life blog, yes--I haven't posted anything in weeks. My book blog is a different story, though--summer is maybe my favorite time to read (summer road trips, hot days when you want to forget how hot it is, etc.), and until I've posted something now, I don't feel I'm done with the book.

    If you're seriously considering a laptop, may I offer this thought: I love, love, love my 17" MacBook Pro. It's not as easy to haul around as smaller ones, harder to find a bag for, but I hate small screens. I don't know what I did without it.

  5. All I have to say is WORD to that -- I'm finding it impossible to a) read and b) write these days. Too much work. Bah!

  6. Eva - ooh, never thought about that problem with a laptop...

    Jena- that said, that MacBook sounds great! I was looking at a tiny AsusEEE but a friend who has one says it's only cute for the first few weeks.

    Tara - I'm hoping fall will improve my concentration and the amount of time I'm at home, too!

    Andi - now I'm just waiting for the urge for a blogging overflow to hit. :)

    Ragdoll - I'm not even close to being as busy as you are, and I can hardly keep up. You amaze me!


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