Sunday, March 30, 2008

Science on Sunday

Rather unplanned, this Sunday has turned out to be all about science! I've spent the day reading:

1. Oh Pure and Radiant Heart by Lydia Millett, on Jeff's recommendation. Wow -- I'm halfway through and so far I am really liking it.

2. The Universe / John Gribbin - this is a library book so I feel I need to get a start on it before it's due back! A little at a time...

3. Bits and pieces of the science fiction of my beloved Ray Bradbury

And, I also heard an interview from 2000 with Arthur C. Clarke, on the CBC's Writers & Company. Eleanor Wachtel was the interviewer, and she's a natural -- always a good interview when she's running things.

But now it's time for supper, so off I go, no more blogging for now...


  1. I've been hearing snatches of buzz about Lydia Millett for a while now. I haven't heard of Oh Pure and Radiant Heart, so I'll have to check that one out.

  2. I'm happy to hear that you're liking Millet's book so far. I'll be waiting to hear how you feel about the ending.

    Gosh, so much science reading, so little time, despite which I spent a good part of my day reading Alexander McCall Smith -- I may be the last person in the world to have read The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency.


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