Thursday, May 10, 2007

I've got the Joy...

Thanks to Mellow Monk for pointing out this list of 50 Ways to find Joy. There is one, especially, that I think we would all agree with:

12. Relish a juicy read. When you start a book and know that it's going to be good, take a moment to enjoy the tingling in your toes.

And a few more I like-

16. Keep in touch. Write a friend. Use your best pen and beautiful stationery. Realize that you are actually sending love.

17. Start a tea party. Schedule a regular tea date with your friends and honor it like any other appointment. During stressful weeks you'll have something fun to look forward to.

47. Bake cookies. And bring them to work.

***I would add another way: look at Bookfool's Wahoo Wednesday posts and be reminded weekly of wonderful things.


  1. Hi, Melanie - thank you so much for pointing out that list! So many lovely ideas - at least I can dream about some of them, yes?

    When I first read the list, I thought Alexandra Stoddard had written it! She also recommends pleasures such as tea parties, cleaning and uncluttering a room, and using one's best (fountain!)pen and stationery to write letters. (The last is my favorite, although it's hard to imagine turning down a tea party!)


  2. Teabird melanie - it is funny that you'd say that the list sounded like Alexandra Stoddard - that's what I thought too! I think I own most of her books, and love the ones about tea and about letter writing. I'm glad that you, too, use a proper fountain pen for correspondence. :) Are we doppelgangers?

  3. Nice and timely reminders for those of us whose vision gets to become constricted. And I appreciate the links to new folks.

  4. Melanie Melanie, maybe we are astral twins... I've seen Alexandra at several book signings. She has the same serenity in person as she does in her writing, and she uses really pretty fuscia ink to sign her books!

    By the way, I linked to your post, and added a few more of my "favorites." (Also stole a botanical of eglantine, a flower whose name is so lovely that I wouldn't care if it looked like a Yeti.)


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