Friday, February 02, 2007

The Literary Conversation

I've had a few books remark directly on what I'm thinking recently. When I was ruminating over handwriting, the narrator in Audrey Thomas' Graven Images weighed in with her take on handwritten vs. typed manuscripts. This was a book I'd had on my TBR shelf for some years.
Last night, I crawled into bed and picked up The Moonstone (for some reason I've been lax in my reading; I'm not even half done yet!). Then I looked over at my teetering bedside stack of reading, and thought that I'd just read ONE chapter in my newly purchased romantic suspense/historical/time travel Susanna Kearsley novel Mariana. The narrator Julia is moving into an old English village house she has felt drawn to since childhood. She is unpacking and decides to leave her study until last, since (as any bibliophile can attest), "I knew from experience how little it took to distract me.A favourite old book, joyfully discovered in the middle of a box, would mean my spending the rest of the afternoon in blissful, unproductive oblivion". So, at the end of the ...second... chapter (oops) she unpacks her study. She does indeed get distracted. She reaches into a box and pulls out "a dog-eared copy of Wilkie Collins' The Moonstone, and it was well past midnight when I finally dragged myself upstairs...and fell asleep." Eep! Of course at this very strong literary hint, I tucked the historical back into its pile, and opened Wilkie Collins once more. And what do you know, I didn't get to sleep til past midnight!


  1. Melanie--it's taken from real life, that bit in the book! I have a thing for Wilkie Collins - don't know why. Nice to know that someone else does, too. And I'll forgive you for putting my book down, since you were reading 'The Moonstone'...

  2. Susanna - thanks for the comment! I did finish your book, too, after the Moonstone! :)
    I'm very glad to discover you have another one due out soon; I was starting to go into withdrawal...


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