Sunday, May 28, 2006

Orange oddity

This week I am reading 5 books that are piling up beside the bed. They all have orange dust jackets. Hmmm. Odd.
The first book is called The Orange Revolution, about Ukraine's notorious election and attendant revolution, so it makes sense that it would have orange as a primary colour. The author calls the use of orange in Yushchenko's campaign "a triumph of branding".
The others are :
All the Fishes come home to roost by Rachel Manija Brown. It is a memoir of her very odd childhood in India where her parents moved to follow their fringe religion of Baba-loving. Excellent writing and very funny, sad and hopeful. India -- lots of sun? Orange?
Eat, drink & lose weight by Mollie Katzen. Sad but true, I am reading a "diet" book. It is by Mollie Katzen of Moosewood Cookbook fame, so I thought that perhaps it would have a friendly vegetarian slant. But no, she calls herself a flexitarian! Argh. (see my earlier post for an explanation of how much I love that phrase) Still a couple of good recipes in the back though. Orange...why? To catch the eye?
The Jigsaw Puzzle by Anne D. Williams. An absorbing history of the jigsaw puzzle. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who can get obsessive about putting things back in order... More reddish than orangey, but still.
The Green Library by Janice Kulyk Keefer. It has a golden-orange painting on the cover; only the word Green is actually green. A story of the sudden discovery of a Ukrainian past for a Toronto woman and her search for the truth about her family.
All orange. Is it a printer's conspiracy? Do they have pots of leftover orange inks from the 70's?

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