
Monday, November 30, 2009

Top 10s: the first list

Now that the month of November is over, meaning that NaNoWriMo is over, I have a lot of blogging to catch up on! I was so busy writing for NaNo that I did neglect this poor blog somewhat. But on the positive side, I have many reviews to post over the next couple of weeks!

I thought I'd ease back into things by participating in this week's Weekly Geeks assignment. This is a carry-over from last week, a request to post your favourite books so far this year, out of those which were published in 2009. I have my yearly roundup to post in a few weeks, which will cover all my reading this year, but for now I thought I would share a list of 10 great books I've read in 2009 which were also published in 2009.

1. Broken / Karin Fossum (mystery/literary)

2. Come, Thou Tortoise / Jessica Grant (literary fiction)

3. Family Album / Penelope Lively (literary fiction)

4. The Incident Report / Martha Baillie (literary fiction)

5. The Good Mayor / Andrew Nicoll (literary fiction)

6. The Children's Book / A.S. Byatt (literary fiction)

7. The Sweetness at the bottom of the pie / Alan Bradley (mystery)

8. The Earth hums in B flat / Mari Strachan (literary fiction)

9. In Bed with the word / Daniel Coleman (non-fiction; literary discussions, spirituality)

10. Where our Food comes from / Gary Paul Nabhan (non-fiction; food issues, sustainable agriculture)


  1. I love literary mysteries, so I'm adding Broken to the wishlist straight away!

    I have been wanting to read The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie for a long time too. Great list!

  2. Oh, The Earth Hums in B Flat is a great did I overlook that one?!? Top 10 lists can be so difficult!

  3. farmlane - Broken is fantastic, but not exactly a's hard to explain, read my review for a better summary!

    softdrink - I had a great deal of difficulty picking 10 - there were a few more I would have liked to add. They'll be in my year end list!

  4. These look great! Thanks for the list; I haven't read any of them!

  5. I haven't read any of these, but it seems like an interesting list. I'm interested to see what you write in 2010!


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