
Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Canada Reads, 2010 lineup

Well the lineup of books and their defenders has been announced for Canada Reads. There is already a #CanadaAlsoReads hashtag to follow on twitter which is bringing up some interesting titles from readers which are more intriguing to consider, at least for me.

The five books which will be under discussion for Canada Reads are:

The Jade Peony by Wayson Choy (defended by Samantha Nutt)

Good to a Fault by Marina Endicott (defended by Simi Sara)

Generation X by Douglas Coupland (defended by Roland Pemberton, aka Cadence Weapon)

Nikolski by Nicolas Dickner, trans. by Lazar Lederhendler (defended by Michel Vezina)

Fall on your Knees by Anne Marie Macdonald (defended by Perdita Felicien)

These are all sturdy Canadian reads, all quite well known already, I'd say, except for perhaps Nikolski (which is, incidentally the only one I've read from this list, and I quite enjoyed it). There is always the question, is Canada Reads there to promote lesser known or older books, or just to talk about books which are familiar and more easily accessible? I guess it just goes by panelist choice, but the only book I'm enthused about this year is the one chosen by the one writer on the panel.

But I do have to admit, I don't usually read along with lists like this, so it really doesn't matter too much what I think: I know that each of these books will by this time have a waiting list at my library. Do you have a favourite on this list? Do you read along with Canada Reads, or is there another similar event in your area that you follow?


  1. Hmmm....I can't say that I am particularly excited by this year's list. I usually read what I like, or what has come HIGHLY recommended by a friend or fellow blogger who's opinion I respect.

  2. This event never fails to disappoint me. And I know I might get into trouble for saying this, but I HATED Fall on Your Knees and think it exemplified everything I dislike about modern CanLit. So, I'm not too stoked with the list, but then again, I never am.

  3. I have just finished Fall on your Knees and unlike Wandering Coyote - I loved it! I'm half wat through writing my review, so it is interesting to see it mentioned.

    I haven't heard of this event before, but I have recently fallen in love with the Giller prize - all the books I've read from the Giller list have been great!

  4. Jonita - yes, I take personal recs much more to heart too

    Wandering Coyote - I've never been able to read Fall on your knees...

    Farmlanebooks - whew, glad someone likes the Macdonald book! Will check out your review as soon as it's up. Hey, you could read Good to a Fault and knock one off this list AND last yr's Giller list at the same time!

  5. I've not read any of the books on the list but I keep looking at Generation X whenever I go to the bookstore. One of these days I'll break down and buy it or borrow it from the library.


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