Thursday, November 26, 2009
Year of Readers: Update
Since it is nearly the end of November, I wanted to give an update on my Year of Readers progress. Only one month left before all books read and all monies raised are totalled up...still time to donate a bit if you were thinking about it this year. :)
The charity I've been reading for this year is PLOW (Public Library on Wheels), an outreach program created by the library I work at, focused on family literacy. It goes out to smaller, rural centres and provides storytimes and book lending services, as well as organizing regional celebrations for Family Literacy Day in January.
I haven't been active enough in finding sponsors this year, I do feel a bit guilty about that. But still, my activities have drawn some local interest to PLOW and my family, friends and coworkers have supported the effort. A couple of my coworkers were even brave enough to pledge a certain amount per book read - I did warn them that I'd read 180 books last year!
This year's totals to date: Books read, 167.
A little less than 2008 -- so far. Please check out my Canada Helps giving page if you are interested in joining in at the eleventh hour. And do go take a look at the Year of Readers blog to see what everyone else is reading for this year; lots of good bookish charities if you want to find one to support. Thanks again to Jodie at Book Gazing for organizing this year-long reading effort!
You have made such a great effort! Your charity is going to be so thrilled :)