
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Challenges Past, Challenges Ahead

 Well, it's a good thing I've reduced my challenge reading in the past few years, because 2020 was challenging enough! 

Last year I set myself a few long term challenges to read along with, and met most of them, and am still working along on others. I'll just be doing the same this year, not taking on any new ones. 

I always read along with the Canadian Book Challenge, which runs from July 1 - July 1. I finished my list for the 13th Challenge, and now we're working along on the 14th Challenge, hosted by Shonna of Canadian Bookworm.  I'm only at 2/13 right now so better get cracking!

I'm still reading along for my ACOB Challenge -- A Century of Books was created by Simon at Stuck in a Book some years ago. The first time I did it I took 4 years to read a whole century; this time I was hoping to finish this try in 2 years, but 2020 got in the way. I'm planning on having it done by the end of 2021. 

I completely finished my list for the Classics Club! I'm now pondering whether to make another one for the next five years. 

As always, I enjoyed reading for August's Women in Translation Month, which is more of a readalong than a challenge per se, but it helps me to focus in on my reading and reviews. I'll keep participating as long as it goes on. 

And finally there's my own challenge, of sorts, the Literary Sewing Circle. This is a readalong I host on my sewing blog, Following the Thread, twice a year. We read a book together and then sew something inspired by our reading. This year we read Susanna Kearsley's Bellewether in the spring, and Louise Erdrich's The Night Watchman in the fall. Two more to come in 2021. 

I hope you also have reading plans that make you excited about a whole new year of reading choices. I know I'm looking forward to getting my reading mojo back. 


  1. Great challenges! There are so many, and I seem to get involved in less and less every year - but when I do, I really enjoy them and WIT month is essential!

    1. Me too, to all this. There used to be SO MANY challenges I'd do, but now I stick to a handful of old faithfuls. Yes to WIT Month!

  2. Thanks to you I've started doing some Classic Spin challenges this year. Got Catch-22 read and off of my shelves, and looking forward to Madame Bovary now. You also introduced me to A Century of Books a few years ago, and I started working on it in 2015 and still have a ways to go. But I read 8 books this year for it, which is better than previous years. Looking forward to seeing what you are reading

    1. I'm glad you're enjoying the Classic Spin challenges. I need to get back to doing more of them! I still have a way to go on my latest Century of Books but I do enjoy doing it.


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