
Sunday, December 29, 2019

Challenges Past, Challenges Ahead

My challenge reading has diminished a lot over the last few years; I only read along for projects that I know will fit in with my limited reading time these days. I've been working on some of the same challenges for a few years now, as they are all ones that do challenge me but also match with my interests anyhow. Here's how I did this year.

Challenges Done:

The 13th Annual Canadian Book Challenge

The Canadian Book Challenge runs from July 1 - July 1. I've been participating in this for years, but this year the hosting was taken on by Shonna of Canadian Bookworm. I'm only at 4/13 right now, but will be reading along for the whole ride again.

The Classics Club

This is a five year challenge to read the books on a list you create yourself, of 50 books published at least 25 years ago: I have until the end of 2022 to finish my list. I'm currently at 27/50

Women in Translation Month

I love this one! Running all throughout August it's more of a readalong than a challenge. The goal is to read and share as much of your reading of women in translation as possible. This year I really tried to review or share a booklist every day in August, and I read some fabulous stuff.

A Century of Books (ACOB)

This one was started by Simon at Stuck in a Book. I finished by my first 'year' at the end of 2018 (started in 2014) and started a new round at the start of this year. I plan to have this one done by the end of 2020 - I'm giving myself a two year window this time around. Right now I'm at 33/100 reviewed with about 10 more read and waiting to be reviewed.

The Literary Sewing Circle

Although the Literary Sewing Circle is a book club/sewalong challenge held at my other blog (Following The Thread) it's also a reading challenge that anyone is welcome to join in on. I'll be starting the next round in early February with a great new read.

Challenges Ahead:

See Above! The Canadian Book Challenge is still running so I'm continuing with that; the others are ongoing or recurring and I'll be working along with all of them.

Right now I don't have any new challenges on the horizon besides these ones, except for a challenge to myself to blog more frequently!

So that is how my year of reading looks for 2020 -- I hope your plans make you equally excited about your new reading year.


  1. Wow, I admire your determination and the way that stay with these challenges for so long. I usually fizzle out on them before the year is even over, much less carry them into future years.

    1. Well, it's kind of easier for me because I've honed my challenge participation down to match my usual reading anyhow... these are more read-alongs and list making activities than actual "challenges" to my regular reading routine.


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