
Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The TBR Pile Challenge turns 10


The Goal

To finally read twelve books that have been sitting on your “TBR Pile” list or shelves for a year or more.

Adam of RoofBeamReader has been running this challenge now for 10 years, and I have participated in the past. I haven't been doing a lot of challenges in the last few years, though, aside from the long-term regular ones. So when I saw this announcement I thought I'd jump in once more! I have so many unread books on my shelves and have been trying to read more of them. This challenge should help with that! 

So without further ado, here is my list of 12 books (and 2 alternates) that I am planning on reading in 2023:

This stack is actually in reverse order -- my two alternates are perched on top! So in order from bottom to top, these are my 2023 picks from the multitude on my bookshelves. I will use this post to keep track of them and link the reviews as they go up.

1. The Door / Magda Szabo 

2. The House of Spirits / Isabel Allende

3. Kiss the Joy As It Flies / Sheree Fitch

4. Father / Elizabeth von Arnim

5. Breakfast with the Nikolides / Rumer Godden

6. The 27th Kingdom / Alice Thomas Ellis

7. A Note in Music / Rosamond Lehmann

8. In a Summer Season / Elizabeth Taylor

9. The Paris-Napoli Express / Janice Kulyk Keefer

10. Mr. Wrong / Elizabeth Jane Howard 

11. Green Water, Green Sky / Mavis Gallant

12. Crusoe's Daughter / Jane Gardam 


1. Brat Farrar / Josephine Tey

2. He, She & It / Marge Piercy 


  1. Looking forward to your thoughts on Green Water, Green Sky. Happy New Year to you!

    1. Thank you! Hope 2023 brings lots of good to you!


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