
Friday, December 30, 2022

Challenges Past and Challenges Ahead

Last year I participated in yearlong reading projects, many of which are long term ongoing ones. I'm still going on with most of them for 2023, but am also adding in another year-long project that I found - one that I've done in the past but forgotten about, the TBR pile challenge! I started out this year trying to read more from my own shelves so this will be a good reminder to keep at it.

I always read along with the Canadian Book Challenge, which runs from July 1 - July 1. I finished my 13 reads for the 15th Challenge, and now we're working along on the 16th Challenge, hosted by Shonna of Canadian Bookworm. I started a bit slowly, but I do have 7 books read so far, so only 6 more to go before July 1, 2023!

I've embarked on a new ACOB Challenge -- A Century of Books was created by Simon at Stuck in a Book some years ago. My first go took 4 years, not one, and my second go looked like it was going to take 4 years too. So I started a new run even though I hadn't quite finished the last one! My new project has changed a little, I am now reading the century from 1920 - 2020. The turn of our century feels a long way away now so I've bumped up the century. My plan is to read women writers and have got a few filled in already!

As always, I enjoyed reading for August's Women in Translation Month, which is more of a readalong than a challenge per se, but it helps me to focus in on my reading and reviews. I'll keep participating as long as it goes on as well. This year I really went all in and posted every day in August. So many great works in translation out there. Founder Meytal Radzinzki of also launched a new WIT website last year, so it's a great resource to check out if you are also intrigued by this readalong project (I recommend it!)

This year I've also decided to join up with a challenge that is a classic in the blog world, now celebrating its 10th year, the TBR Pile Challenge hosted by RoofBeam Reader. Essentially you commit to reading 12 books that have been on your personal shelves for at least one year. My problem was narrowing down my vast book holdings to only 12 choices ;) My list is here, & that's where I'll be tracking my progress on this one.

And finally there's my own challenge, of sorts, the Literary Sewing Circle. This is a readalong I host on my sewing blog, Following the Thread, twice a year. We read a book together and then sew something inspired by our reading. We took a break this fall but are planning to return with a new title in Spring 2023! 

I hope that 2023 brings you both new reading adventures and all the literary challenges you could wish for!

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