
Sunday, August 02, 2020

Reading Pile for #WITMonth

I really love how August has become a focus for reading women in translation. And each year I look at the relevant books on my own shelves to see what I might read. There is always a ton! And that's even before I look at my Goodreads tbr list or the titles available at my library.

This year I am planning on focusing on reading some of the books I have on my own shelves, and there are many of them.

I dipped into the opening pages of a few books and came up with a "read now" stack. Only one of these, Merle Kroger's Collision, is not mine; I already had this checked out from the library so am reading it before taking it back. I think this stack has some variation in it, from Scandinavia to Europe to Mexico/South America and the Caribbean.

But of course looking through titles means that I found a lot more that I would like to read nearly as much! This is my "backup" stack -- a bunch of titles that I hope I can get to soon. Some are well known, some are obscure titles that I picked up second hand -- like the Finnish Red Moon Over White Sea or the Serbo-Croatian The Dawning.

There are many library titles that are tempting me also, but even considering how quickly I read, there is no way I'll finish just this stack this month :) Good thing that we can keep reading Women in Translation all year round. 

Are you joining in on #WITMonth? If so, do you have a reading list? Do you have any favourite translations to recommend? 


  1. You piles are amazing! I only read Bracher, and really enjoyed it. I have a Virago edition of Isabelle Everhardt's Diary that I am planning to read this month. I am curious about Vagabond now! :) Happy WIT reading!

    1. I'm really enjoying the titles I've started reading so far! Vagabond was one of those lucky random finds at a used bookstore. I always scan the shelves for translations when I'm shopping :)

  2. Yes, such lovely piles! I am still trying to finish what I have begun for Spanish Lit Month, but hope to join all of you reading women in translation soon.

    1. I hope you are able to join in too! Maybe some of those Spanish Lit titles would fit right in :)

  3. Some lovely possibilities there! I have read and loved Tolstaya, and would like to get to Petrushevskaya but don't know if I will have the time...

    1. Time is always this issue, for sure! I am really hoping to get to both of those books this month but we will have to see how it all goes.

  4. Had no idea that August had been so designated.

    Coincidentally, I just finished a WIT book this morning that is kind of weird, but pretty good. It's pretty popular right now, one by Argentinian author Samanta Schweblin. It's all about little "pets" that come with cameras and microphones and allow the operators to spy on the pet owners.

    1. I haven't yet read any Schweblin although I've heard lots about her. Interesting that you just read this one!


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