Saturday, August 03, 2019

My Reading Pile for August 2019

What are my plans for this WIT Month? I'm trying to focus on reading some of the books from my own shelves, as well as all the new and shiny library books I usually read.

Here are the books in my stack. Some I'm hoping to get to, some I've just finished and will be sharing soon, plus a couple of library books that had to go back didn't make it to the stack  for this photo but I'll be sharing those as well!

I've had some of these titles for a long while so it feels good to get them out and get reading. What are you reading for Women in Translation Month? Any favourites to suggest?


  1. That's a nice stack of books! The Teffi and the Tove are great, as is Sofia Petrovna! Happy reading!


    1. I'm really enjoying both of those ones so far! Lots of great reading :)


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