
Friday, July 09, 2010

Canadian Book Challenge 4

I am a few days late this year posting about the beginning of the new Canadian Book Challenge 4(this is its 4th year going). This is one of my favourite challenges, infinitely customizable. The only rule is that you read -- and review somewhere online -- 13 Canadian books over the course of a year, from one July 1st to the next. (July 1 is Canada Day, for those of you outside of our fine country.)

The "Challenge" part of it is set by each participant. As host John of the Book Mine Set says, you can count every Canadian read or set yourself a more thematic challenge. I like to give myself a bit of an extra task to make it feel challenging -- after all, I know I will already be reading a lot of Canadian literature over the year. The first couple of years I participated I followed the original setup of reading one book for each province and territory (and that IS a challenge!) Last year I set myself the task of reading 13 novels from the prairies. That was great fun as well. I pondered what to do this year, and think I've finally come up with a theme that I can run with. So -- this year, for my Fourth Canadian Book Challenge, I've decided to read 13 Canadian novels by authors whom I have never read before.

About half of my choices for this challenge over the past few years have been new-to-me authors, but this year I am going to make a concerted effort to find authors I haven't read, to count toward the challenge. It's always a great way to find new reading and to share new discoveries -- and the final round up on John's blog each year is a fantastic resource for anyone looking for titles in order to join in this year. With this kind of theme in mind, I'm not making a list in advance but will be selecting books as I go, according to whim.
If you enjoy setting yourself a challenge and have been meaning to read more Canadian literature anyway, you couldn't do better than to join in on this one!


  1. I've just posted for this challenge too. I really enjoy this one but I would read Can lit anyway without doing the challenge. I've listed those I hope to get to as well as links to books I've read and reviewed for the previous challenges. I've just finished my third book for the challenge so far this month. You might find them interesting:

    I'll be visiting to see what you read. Have fun.

  2. Sounds like a great way to approach the challenge. Have fun in the 4th seeking out new to you authors!


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