
Monday, April 05, 2010

An Anansi Reader

Just one more thing...guess who this month's featured Anansi Reader is? Yep, click on over to the Anansi site to see a list of featured readers from the last year or two - there are a few other book blogger Readers as well.


  1. A well deserved recognition piece for such continual good work on your blog. Way to go!

  2. I didn't even know of the Anansi publishing house. It sounds interesting!

  3. Nice interview, I really enjoyed it!

  4. karen - thanks! such a nice thing to say :)

    Luanne - I enjoyed doing it, it is such a neat feature of Anansi's website

    Eva - I'm glad this introduced you to Anansi press. I'm sure you would be interested in some of their books!

    Stefanie - thanks, and I would be interested to hear your answers to some of the same questions about librarian vs. book blogger reading.


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