
Friday, March 19, 2010

Once Upon a Time

It is really Spring! How do I know? Carl's Once Upon a Time Challenge is back, in its 4th incarnation. This year the sponsor and artist of the gorgeous challenge button is Melissa Nucera, whose image entitled The Queen now signals participation in one of my favourite yearly challenges.

The Once Upon a Time challenge runs from March 21 - June 30/2010. There are various levels of participation, but because I am already reading for so many challenges I am just going to pick the 'easy' level,

Quest the First: Read at least 5 books that fit somewhere within the Once Upon a Time IV criteria. They might all be fantasy, or folklore, or fairy tales, or mythology…or your five books might be a combination from the four genres.

I love reading fantasy, fairy tales and folklore, and also enjoy seeing everyone's pool of choices for this challenge - it introduces me to books I may not have thought of reading. One that I discovered this way last year is Margo Lanagan's Tender Morsels, and it is now on my own list for this year. A few more I am thinking about reading are R.J. Anderson's Wayfarer (Rebel in the UK) as I have an ARC of that one; Alice Hoffman's ya novel Green Witch; the short story collection Ladies of Grace Adieu (since I loved Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell); The Girl with Glass Feet by Ali Shaw; Prospero Lost by L. Jagi Lamplighter; or Robert Wiersma's novella The World more full of weeping. I just may join in with short story Sundays but will have to see how things go ;)


  1. I can't wait to hear what you think of Tender Morsels! Green Witch and The Ladies of Grace Adieu were two others I loved :)

  2. Unfortunately school has not left me time to participate this year. Sigh. But I look forward to hearing about the books you're reading :)

  3. Nymeth - your excellent review makes me want to read Tender Morsels first...

    Stefanie - I know, I am not sure I will have time for all this reading with the projects I have going now, but it's always fun to make the lists ;)

    I can't participate in the Readathon this April because once again it is my weekend to work (has happened on the last 4 readathons!)

  4. I'm still planning my list - you've got several here that I don't know, so I shall have a look for them. I do so look forward to this challenge - as you say, it means you really know spring has arrived!


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