
Thursday, January 21, 2010

New Challenge: Poetry

Okay, just one more Challenge... this one is a delight! I found it via Page 247, but it is being hosted right over here at Clover, Bee & Reverie's own blog, and all the details are listed at that site. There are various levels of participation, and since I do like reading poetry but it isn't as ingrained a habit as novel-reading, I'll start slow.

I'm going to be signing up at Limerick level (read 5 books of poetry, with at least 2 connected thematically). You could choose to read more, or less. Once again, this is a Challenge that runs throughout the whole year, so I have lots of time to find new poets to discover! And look at that beautiful button :)


1. Hooked / Carolyn Smart (Brick Books)

2. Grace & Poison / Karen Connelly (Turnstone)

3. A Saving Grace / Lorna Crozier (McClelland & Stewart)

4. Lost Gospels / Lorri Neilsen Glenn (Brick Books)


  1. This one's cool, isn't it! I signed up... my first challenge ever (and the only one, I swear.) Looking forward to your picks!

  2. A poetry meme! I'm really tempted to try this as one of my 2010 reading resolutions is to read (modern) poetry.

  3. Kiirstin & B.Kienapple - I know, I had to join this one - I want to make sure I read some of the new poetry I see being published by all our great small presses.

  4. So glad you're joining us for the challenge! Keep an eye on the blog for updates :D


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