
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

More Same-Same

Look at this -- another example of the use of stock photography on book covers -- which always interests me when I find these kind of things. I've read the one on the left, which is the UK cover of The Day the Falls Stood Still. I think it's the North American cover of the Alcott bio, which I haven't read (yet).


  1. Great catch. I just posted one of these yesterday (I call them copycat covers) in my Cover Attraction meme. Would you believe the publisher of the second book left a comment on my blog, explaining this? Thought it might interest you what they said:

  2. Thanks Sandra, I'd missed your post! Great discussion with the publisher contributing as well. I just wish larger publishers would spend a bit for more original design so there would be more variety - I know that people do remember books by cover image, we get requests at the library often for "that blue book with the angel on the cover" or some such.

  3. Ha! That's too funny. Maybe since one is a UK book and the other North American the publishers thought nobody would notice.


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