
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Challenges: a beginning

There are many Challenges I'd like to be a part of next year, but I haven't made all my lists yet. As a foretaste of all the reading mania to come in 2010 here are the ones I am thinking about joining in on:

The Science Book Challenge (hosted by Scienticity/Ars Hermeneutica) - easy! 3 science-y books throughout the whole year! I love this challenge and always join in

Emily's Attacking the TBR Challenge - read 20 books from your TBR before buying anything new - can read your own, or borrow them, just not buy them. Boy do I need to do this - more space on my shelves would be great!

What's in a name 3 - I love this challenge, and need to continue on with it next year as well

Flashback Challenge (via Eva) - rereading some old favourites is part of my plan for 2010 anyhow, so this is the perfect fit

Colourful Challenge I like random challenges and this one sounds really fun

Chunkster I haven't done this in a while, but I love a good long read

Our Mutual Read Because who can resist more Victorian reading? ;)

Just a few I'm thinking of! Lists to come...


  1. How fun! I'm joining Emily's TBR challenge, and that's the only one. But the ones you list here sound great, and it should be fun making up your reading lists. Enjoy!

  2. I am seriously considering the Flashback and Our Mutual Read challenges. I would love to join the chunkster challenge someday, but I am just not sure I have the time now.

    Best of luck with all of these --- and I look forward to your other challenge posts.

  3. Dorothy - I came across Emily's challenge via your blog, I think... and it does look like just what I need to do. I am sure many of the books on my shelves will fit into other challenge reading as well!

    Molly - I thought, well, if I'm doing Our Mutual Read, surely some of those Victorian reads will be Chunksters anyway ;)

  4. Eww, I'm starting to abhor chunksters. Otherwise, good selection of challenges! Good luck.

  5. John - ha ha, perhaps the Novella challenge would be more to your liking? And I can't forget my ongoing challenges, such as the Canadian Book Challenge, for example... ;)

  6. Even though I've already signed on for more challenges than I can probably handle, I think I'm going to add the Victorian challenge, too. I don't have a very good track record with chunksters, either, but I have a few on my TBR stack for 2010 so I may as well!

    Good luck with all your challenges!

  7. Lesley - I don't have a very good track record with challenges as a whole...but they are so much fun to make lists for and as an excuse to rummage around on my shelves.

  8. Good luck with your challenges this next year, Melanie! And above all else, have fun. :-)


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