
Monday, August 31, 2009

R.I.P (Readers Imbibing Peril) IV

Hurrah! It is that time of year again... the beginning of fall, heralded by the return of the much loved and much anticipated Readers Imbibing Peril (RIP) Challenge, hosted by Carl of Stainless Steel Droppings.

This challenge is so welcoming, as Carl offers up many options for those who want to join in. It runs September 1-October 31, 2009, and this year I think I will attempt Peril the First.

Peril the First:
Read Four books of any length, from any subgenre of scary stories that you choose:

Dark Fantasy

Another fun part of this Challenge is the tradition of posting a pool of books from which to choose during the two months of perilous reading. I've already dredged a few other pools and turned up some pretty scary looking choices! Here are mine:

1. We Have Always Lived in the Castle / Shirley Jackson*
I can't believe I haven't read this one yet. Must do so.

2. The Terror / Dan Simmons
This one has been on my list the last two RIP challenges and somehow I've never gotten to it. Hmm. Should read it this time around!

3. October Country / Ray Bradbury
I love Bradbury, and haven't read this collection of stories yet. I think this is the perfect opportunity!

4. Rebecca / Daphne DuMaurier
I know, should have read this one years ago! I have a nice copy just waiting for me to pick it up.

5. The Woman in White / Wilkie Collins
I meant to read this LAST year. :)

6. Her Fearful Symmetry / Audrey Niffenegger
I should probably take a look at at least one new book this time...

7. The last two books in the Gardella series by Colleen Gleason -- I've fallen behind and this would be the perfect opportunity to finish up!

8. Perfume / Patrick Suskind
I've owned this one for TWENTY TWO YEARS and haven't read it yet. Enough said.

9. Never let me go / Kazuo Ishiguro
Kind of suitable; and one that every single person I know has tried to force me to finally read, so perhaps I'll give it a go this time around

10. Tender Morsels / Margo Lanagan
I've heard so much about this one lately that is so intriguing; I'd love to get my hands on a copy this fall.

There's also a Short Story component to this Challenge, and although I'm not so great at reading & posting about short stories, who knows, maybe I'll be able to participate for a month or so!

*edited to the correct author's name, which all of you were too polite to point out; I had typed "Shirley Hughes" without seeing the error all day! You can tell I work with children's books, I guess. Don't know if Shirley Hughes would be too impressed with being credited with this book. ;)


  1. Yahoo! Great to have you joining in!

    I love your list of books. I really enjoyed We Have Always Lived in the Castle when I read it last year. Rebecca is just wonderful. I'm reading an ARC of Her Fearful Symmetry right now and have been really enjoying it.

    I'd wish you a great reading experience, but with your list you don't need my well wishes, you are bound to have a great, chilling time. :)

  2. I love your list! And thanks for the reminder about Never Let Me Go - I have it on my tbr pile, so maybe I'll include it too.

  3. You've never read Rebecca? I am *appalled*.

  4. We Have Always Lived in the Castle is awesome awesome awesome. I think it fits perfectly with this challenge!

    What a great list!

  5. Carl - so glad to have you hosting again; I love this challenge!

    Nymeth - your list was, as usual, full of great ideas :)

    Susannah - hee hee. Just admitted it to flush you out of the woodwork... ;)

    saveophelia - I love her short stories and have been meaning to read this for ages!

  6. The Woman in White / Wilkie Collins
    I meant to read this LAST year. :)

    yup, me too! lol maybe this year huh? lol

  7. I lurved We Have Always Lived in the Castle. It's creepy fun.

  8. I read Rebecca so long ago and would love to re-read it again and see what I think. You've got a great list. I'm currently reading The Woman in White and so good!

    Have fun with the challenge.

  9. That's a really great list! I'd like to read Jackson and du Maurier soon, and Collins is wonderful, as is Ishiguro. And the Niffenegger sounds like fun.

  10. I loved Rebecca and I hope you enjoy it. du Maurier even makes the landscape menacing.

  11. That's a great list of books you've got. I had The Terror on my list last year and again this year so I'm hoping this time I actually get around to reading it.

    I read Rebecca a couple years aog and LOVED it - such a good book!

  12. Great list! I have almost all of them in the TBR pile and plan to read Her Fearful Symmetry, We Have Always Lived in a Castle and Rebecca in the next month or two. I look forward to seeing what you think of them.


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