
Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Happy Canada (Book Challenge) Day!

I am so thrilled - not only is it Canada Day, and I have the day off - but it is once again the start date for a great reading Challenge, the Canadian Book Challenge 3. I love this challenge; it's so flexible and well organized and just a lot of fun. The Challenge is to read 13 Canadian books from today, July 1/09 to June 30/10. Just 13! Easy stuff when there is so much to choose from; there is no restriction on what kind of book you want to read - fiction, nonfiction, graphic novels, YA, picture books,'s all up to you.
The last two years I've tried reading one book from each of the provinces and territories, so this year I'm going to shake things up a little for myself. My plan for the Canadian Book Challenge 3 is to read novels set in the Prairies (Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba). If I finish way ahead of schedule, I will try reading 13 YA novels with the same setting. Of course, plans may go awry, but I know that in any case, I will most certainly have read 13 Canadian books by next July 1.
Pop over the Book Mine Set and sign up. You know you want to! ;)


  1. We've had people stick to particular provinces before, but not regions. Good idea. I'll be interested to see which ones you pick.

  2. If you haven't read The Road Past Altamont, I recommend it!

  3. John - there are many to choose from - I'm going to leave it pretty flexible

    Jenny - Yes, I love Road past Altamont! Also Children of my Heart. SO good.

  4. Thanks Melanie for this post - I think I'll join this challenge!


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